Class RawCLUTInternal

Class contains information about the color style and the legend Based on the idea of CLUT (Color Look Up Table) to fill tiles with colors from the style


  • RawCLUT


  • Parameters

    • style: WxColorStyleStrict

      the color style

    • dUnits: string

      the units of the data

    • minmax: [number, number]

      the array of minimum and maximum data values

    • vector: boolean

      if true, the style is for vector data

    Returns RawCLUT


DataToKnots?: Converter

convert data value to knots. Useful for styles for vector data to get the direction of the vector

DataToStyle: Converter

convert data value to style value

colorsI: Uint32Array

convert data value to color index

levelIndex: Uint32Array

convert data value to level index

ticks: WxTick[]

data values of the legend

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