WXTiles API is a powerful tool for visualizing weather data in your programming projects. This documentation provides detailed instructions on how to use the WXTiles API to its fullest potential.
The WXTiles API is comprised of three main components:
With these components, you can easily integrate weather data visualization into your programming projects. The API is available for use with two different frameworks: Leaflet and Mapbox-gl-gs. While the API for both frameworks is similar in many ways, there are some differences in the framework-specific implementations of the Custom Source/Layer.
To get started with the WXTiles API, check out the DOCS section for detailed usage and API documentation. You can also explore the Examples section to see the API in action and get inspiration for your own projects.
(async func(){
//// MAPBOX initialization START
mapboxgl.accessToken = '--key--';
const map = new mapboxgl.Map({ container: 'map', style: { version: 8, name: 'Empty', sources: {}, layers:[] } });
map.addControl(new mapboxgl.NavigationControl(), 'bottom-right');
await map.once('load');
// base layer
map.addSource('baseS', { type: 'raster', tiles: ['https://tiles.metoceanapi.com/base-lines/{z}/{x}/{y}'], maxzoom: 4 });
map.addLayer({ id: 'baseL', type: 'raster', source: 'baseS' });
//// MAPBOX initialization END
//// WXTILES initialization START
// grab the WxTiles API
const { WxTilesLogging, WxAPI, CustomWxTilesLayer } = window.wxtilesmbox;
// WxTilesLogging(true); // log WxTiles info to console if needed
const dataServerURL = 'https://tilesdev.metoceanapi.com/data/';
// Specify RequestInit object such as headers, mode, credentials, etc
const requestInit = {
/* headers: new Headers({ 'x-api-key': '--proper-key-value--' }) //*/
// Get the API ready - should be ONE per application
const wxapi = new WxAPI({ dataServerURL, requestInit });
// Define the dataset and variable
const datasetName = 'gfs.global';
// const variable = 'air.temperature.at-2m'; // Scalar example
const variable = 'wind.speed.eastward.at-10m'; // Vector example
// Create a dataset manager (may be used for many layers from this dataset)
const wxdatasetManager = await wxapi.createDatasetManager(datasetName);
// create a layer
const wxsource = wxdatasetManager.createSourceLayer({ variable }, { id: 'wxsource', attribution: 'WxTiles' });
map.addSource(wxsource.id, wxsource);
await new Promise((resolve) => map.once('idle', resolve));
//// Add wxlayer using 'native raster' layer type
// map.addLayer({ id: 'wxlayer', type: 'raster', source: wxsource.id, paint: { 'raster-fade-duration': 0 /* necessary */ } });
//// ...or add wxlayer using CustomWxTilesLayer. Implements GLSL shader for vector field animation
map.addLayer(new CustomWxTilesLayer('wxlayer', wxsource.id), 'baseL');
(async function step(n: number = 0) {
await wxsource.updateCurrentStyleObject({ isolineText: false, blurRadius: ~~(10 * Math.sin(n / 500) + 10) }); // await always !!
await wxsource.setTimeStep(1); // 1 - index of the time step in the dataset
await wxsource.setTimeStep('2020-01-01T00:00:00Z'); // '2020-01-01T00:00:00Z' - time step in the dataset
await wxsource.setTimeStep(2345323454); // time in seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
await wxsource.setTimeStep(new Date('2020-01-01T00:00:00Z')); // Date object
await wxsource.updateCurrentStyleObject({ units: 'm/s', levels: undefined }); // set levels to undefined - to automatically calculate the levels from the dataset
// load the time step number 10 to the cache but do not render it
const prom = wxsource.preloadTime(10);
// do stuff asyncronously
// ...
await prom; // wait for the time step to finish loading
// now set the time step to 10
await wxsource.setTime(10); // will be fast rendered from the cache
const abortController = new AbortController();
const prom = wxsource.setTime(5, abortController);
abortController.abort(); // aborts the request
await prom; // await always !! even if aborted
const timeStep = wxsource.getTime();
map.on('mousemove', (e) => {
if (!wxsource) return;
const pos = position(e); //
const tileInfo: WxTileInfo | undefined = wxsource.getLayerInfoAtLatLon(pos.wrap(), map);
if (tileInfo) {
await wxsource.updateCurrentStyleObject({ levels: undefined }); // reset levels if existing in the style
const levels = wxsource.getCurrentStyleObjectCopy().levels || []; // get current/default/any levels
// generate a new color map from the levels
const colMap: [number, string][] = levels.map((level) => [level, '#' + Math.random().toString(16).slice(2, 8) + 'ff']);
let busy = false;
map.on('mousemove', async (e) => {
if (!wxsource || busy) return;
busy = true;
const tileInfo: WxTileInfo | undefined = wxsource.getLayerInfoAtLatLon(position(e), map);
if (tileInfo) {
await wxsource.updateCurrentStyleObject({ colorMap: [...colMap, [tileInfo.inStyleUnits[0], '#ff000000']] });
busy = false;
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