Interface WxColorStyleStrict

Strict style interface


  • WxColorStyleStrict


addDegrees: number

Additional rotation of all wind or current's vectors or directions by angle in degrees.

blurRadius: number

radius for the BOX filter

colorMap?: [number, string][]

Used if presented instead of levels, colors, colorScheme. Array of [level,color] tuples. Colors are WEB-colors.

colorScheme: string

Color scheme name from the default set. May be extended in WxAPI

colors?: string[]

Used if presented instead of colorScheme

extraUnits?: WxUnits

Additional extend of default units.



fill: "none" | "gradient" | "solid"

Tile filling schema.

  • 'none' means no fill, leave the tile transparent
  • 'solid' means solid fill, no gradient between levels.
  • 'gradient' means gradient fill.
gl?: {
    animationIntensity?: number;
    animationSpeed?: number;
    noiseTexturePow?: number;
    vectorFieldFactor?: number;
    wavesCount?: number;

If exists then try to use WebGL to render tiles

Type declaration

  • Optional animationIntensity?: number
  • Optional animationSpeed?: number
  • Optional noiseTexturePow?: number
  • Optional vectorFieldFactor?: number
  • Optional wavesCount?: number
isolineColor: "fill" | "none" | "inverted" | `#${string}`

Color of isolines.

  • 'none' do not render.
  • 'fill' using value of fill in each pixel.
  • 'inverted' using inverted value of fill in each pixel.
  • '#RGB' or '#RRGGBB' or '#RRGGBBAA' - using this WEB-color.
isolineText: boolean

if true then render isoline text values

levels?: number[]

Levels to build legend. Used if presented, otherwise 10 levels are calculated evenly on given data

mask?: "none" | "land" | "sea"


  • 'none' - no masking.
  • 'sea' - make sea transparent.
  • 'land' - make land transparent.
name: string

Name of the style

parent?: string

Name of a parent style to inherit from

showAboveMax: boolean

If true then fill values above style's maximum.

showBelowMin: boolean

If true then fill values below style's minimum.

streamLineColor: "fill" | "none" | "inverted" | `#${string}`

Draw streamlines:

  • 'none' means no streamlines.
  • 'fill' using value of fill in each pixel.
  • 'inverted' using inverted value of fill in each pixel.
  • '#RGB' or '#RRGGBB' or '#RRGGBBAA' - using this WEB-color.
streamLineGridStep?: number

Step to seed streamlines. Streamlines spread both ways from seed point. less value means more streamlines.

streamLineSpeedFactor: number

factor to scale streamlines length

streamLineStatic: boolean
  • if true then render streamlines as static lines.
  • if false then render streamlines as animated lines.
streamLineSteps?: number

steps in each streamline

units: string

Units of the style (from the default set)

vectorColor: "fill" | "none" | "inverted" | `#${string}`

Color of vectors.

  • 'none' do not render vectors.
  • 'fill' using value of fill in each pixel.
  • 'inverted' using inverted value of fill in each pixel.
  • '#RGB' or '#RRGGBB' or '#RRGGBBAA' - using this WEB-color.
vectorFactor: number

Factor for vectors length

vectorType: "none" | "arrows" | "barbs"

Representation of the wind/current field.

  • 'none' do not render vectors.
  • 'arrows' use arrows to represent winds/currents.
  • 'barbs' use barbs.

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